The AMPP Professional Development Committee aims to connect more experienced med-peds physicians with physicians earlier in their careers and develop a network for establishing mentorship in the med-peds community nationally.
Calling all Med-Peds Mentors! Are you looking to connect more with the amazing national Med-Peds physician community, and share your wisdom and experience with others? We are excited to announce a mentoring program to guide and support career journeys for early career Med-Peds physicians!
We will:
– Match mentees and mentors based on interests, expertise areas, and availability.
– Check in with you on how things are going twice a year.
– Incorporate feedback for future mentoring program development and measure impact.
– Ensure that preferences are respected regarding time commitment/availability to avoid
overwhelming mentors or mentees.
Expectations for mentors:
– Check in with mentee three times per year. This could be via email, phone, zoom, or in
– Provide informal support to early physicians in development.
– Provide feedback to AMPP professional development committee on how to improve
mentoring program.
For those interested in learning more about mentoring, here are some helpful resources. While some of these are focused on mentor pairs within academic institutions, the concepts can be applied to general career or work-life mentoring outside ones’ specialty or institution.
- “What is a mentor?”
- “Nature’s guide for mentors”
- Appreciating mentorship
- Evolution of academic mentoring
- Systematic review of academic mentoring
- List of helpful books for Mentors/Mentees
Expectations for mentees:
– Reach out to your mentor (first contact is suggested to be within 1 month of the
introduction email)
– Consider questions to bring to your mentoring meeting to guide initial conversations. The
meetings are informal and it’s also helpful to have some ideas you want to discuss.
– Meeting with your mentor three times per year. This could be via email, phone, zoom, or
in person.
– Provide feedback to AMPP professional development committee on how to improve
mentoring program.
If you are interested in signing up to be a mentor, please fill out the survey form below: