
Who we are and why we’re here.

Who We Are

Discover the story behind the Association of Med-Peds Physicians (AMPP). Founded in 2022 on the 55th anniversary of the specialty, AMPP aims to bring together physicians from diverse backgrounds to shape the identity of the Med-Peds field and promote collaboration, advocacy, and best practices.

Our Leadership

AMPP is led by a group of dedicated Med-Peds physicians who are committed to promoting the value and identity of the Med-Peds specialty. Our leadership brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the organization, and is passionate about fostering an inclusive community that celebrates the unique contributions of Med-Peds alumni.

Med-Peds History

Explore the fascinating history of the Med-Peds specialty, which has been growing in popularity and importance since its inception in 1967. From its early days to its current status as an essential component of healthcare, discover the evolution of Med-Peds and the factors that led to its creation.